Okay, so I haven't been as busy lately. College is really taking its toll on me, online time-wise. But that doesn't mean I've been dormant since August! I've got a new fiction in my fan fic section! It's called Danté's Pokémon. Also, Cullen Pittman has allowed me to post his chapters of his Pokémon series "The Incredible Poké-Oddysey" in my fan fiction section. This one is definitely required reading! I'm taking a Java class and I've got an idea for an Applet to use for the upcoming Adopt-A-Raichu section. All I got to do is get the applet to work online. For some reason it won't work in any browser. As soon as it's done, I'll put it online! Well, I guess that's it for now. Oh and one more thing. My e-mail address has changed. You can now contact me at Hotmail shut down my previous address for reasons unknown so I created a new one. I also have a Yahoo! account, but I don't check that one often (( I've got both of them down on my sidebar. To those who have been trying to send me e-mail, please re-send those e-mails to one of these new addresses.