I know its been a while since an update. I've been seriously busy lately. I got me a brand new computer and I just got all the software loaded on it that I need to use to keep this page up and running. I just got Pokémon Stadium and it rocks! I highly suggest getting this game! It rulz! I am very thankful that I was able to survive the organized chaos we New Orleanians call Mardi Gras. I got me a stuffed pikachu out of it. It's poorly made but at least I got one! I hope that I'll be able to do more with this page as time goes by. I'm still learning HTML and now I'm learning Java. I've been hard at work on my fan fiction. It's not finished yet but I hope to finish it soon and start a new project to keep me busy while I'm just sitting around after classes (besides homework). I was thinking of doing a crossover in my fan fic with Half-Life but all those guys at Valve hate pokémon. How can anyone hate pokémon? I guess that's it for this update.