Update - 4/9/02
I haven't had the time to do much work on my site lately, but I have been getting some great ideas for site navigation. I can't seem to work around Tripod's advertisements, so my previous Java drop down menu won't be much good anymore. But (as soon as I find some code for it) I'm going to set up a "frame" for site navigation. It'll be a side frame with a menu to get around. I can make the frame, but I just have to find some code to do it. I might have to start with a simple html menu, but hopefully I can find one in either java, or possible get someone to make me a flash menu (that would be so cool). But if anyone has any ideas, I am open to suggestions. It seems as though I can't use that nifty forum as Tripod doesn't have the required version of Perl on their servers, so it looks as though I'm going to have to use my old BeSeen message board until I can find something better. I won't put a password on it this time though, but if things get out of hand, I will put a password on it. For those who are curious as to when this move will be completed, well the truth of the matter is, I don't know. Right now I'm currently getting all my pictures and animations together and converting the html code so that it reads Tripod instead of FortuneCity. The Raichu Shrine (my biggest pic section) and the main page will be the last two things I update. I have to clean things up, revamp the main page, and get that navigation system working. While working on the Updates Archive, I realized that I've hit (and passed) the four year mark. I've had this page since March of 1999.