Memoirs of a Pokemon Master CHAPTER 4 Team Rocket blasts off
"You said it yourself. You don't play by the
rules." - Trey
Pikachu woke me up the next morning. I rolled over, then he
shocked me. What a
wonderful way to wake up, I thought. I called home after we ate.
"Good news son." my dad said. "Your friend Andrew
is heading to Viridian right now. He just
got his license."
"Well that's good news. But I'm afraid I won't be here when
he gets here." I said.
"Why not?" dad asked.
"We're heading into the forest today." I replied.
"From what people tell me, I may be in there for
a week or so. I got challenged yesterday by someone from Pewter.
He had a boulder badge but I
beat him easily with bulbasaur."
"That's great!" dad said. "I'll tell Prof. Oak.
You be careful in that forest and make sure you've
got lots of supplies. And if you run into Andrew..."
"I'll keep my eyes open for him." I said.
We said our goodbye's and hung up. Pikachu and I headed into the
Viridian forest.
The forest was overwhelming. The trees were so tall and full of
leaves that they blocked
out most of the sun's light. Pokemon roamed free all around us. I
had never seen so many wild
pokemon since Lavender. There was an abundance of bug type
pokemon. I had Pikachu zap a
few. I caught a weedle and a caterpie. The rest of the day went
pretty uneventful. Besides
catching the bug pokemon, lunch was the only break in the
monotony. Even though we were
walking alone, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone, or
something, was watching us.
Pikachu seemed to be feeling the exact same thing. He kept
looking at the bushes. He even
zapped one but a pidgey was the only thing that came out. I tried
to catch it but it flew away.
We found a small clearing and camped for the night. Pikachu and I
didn't get enough sleep.
Pikachu started keeping watch and got bulbasaur and spearow to
take shifts watching during the
night. Although nothing came out during the night, I still slept
uneasily. The next morning the
trouble began. In fact, you could say it was double trouble.
Pikachu and I were walking along
through the forest when we heard something. Pikachu looked
around. I began to hear whispers
but couldn't make them out.
"Alright quit hiding and show yourselves, cowards!" I
"Pikapipikachu!" Pikachu yelled.
A voice from out of nowhere began to laugh.
"Heh heh heh. Cowards are we?" a male voice asked.
"Ha ha hah. I think he's the coward." A female voice
"You're asking for trouble!" I yelled.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu yelled.
"Trouble!?" Both voices answered.
Then two figures jumped out of the bushes and stood in front of
me. A young man and a young
woman. The woman was a blonde with a nice figure but with evil
eyes. The young man seemed
wiry and had black hair and deep blue eyes. They each wore a
uniform that had a large red letter
"R" on the shirt.
"Prepare for trouble!" The girl started.
"And make it double!" The boy returned.
"To protect the world from devastation!" The girl
struck a pose.
"To unite all people within our nation!" The boy struck
a pose.
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!" The girl got
in my face. I backed off.
"To extend our reach into the stars above!" The boy
stood next to her.
"Lilly!" The girl announced her name.
"Kirby!" The boy announced his.
"Team Rocket! Blast off at the speed of light!" Lilly
"Surrender now! Or prepare to fight!" Kirby struck a
final pose.
"Is that right?" I asked, trying to sound uninterested.
"Pikapika." Pikachu said with a yawn.
"Yes that is right! We at Team Rocket collect rare and
unusual pokemon!" Kirby said.
"So what does that have to do with me?" I asked.
"Your pikachu." Lilly said.
"Pikachu? But pikachu isn't rare. In fact it's quite common
to most forest areas and Lavender
town." I said.
"Your pikachu is rare for two reasons!" Kirby said.
"First off we heard about it's low level of
development. And secondly it's not in a pokeball! A pokemon who
isn't in a pokeball is
extremely unusual. So hand it over quietly and we might leave you
with your teeth!"
"You can't take a pokemon that belongs to someone! It's
against pokemon league rules!" I said.
"We don't play by the rules." Kirby said. "Now
give us the pokemon!"
I walked over to Kirby with my head down. He smiled. But I
remembered the boxing lessons my
dad gave me and I surprised Kirby with a hard right hook to his
jaw. He stumbled back. I took
up a fighting stance and pikachu took up position next to me.
"Hey that wasn't fair! You're supposed to fight with
pokemon! It's the rules!" Kirby said.
Blood was flowing from his mouth.
"You said it yourself. You don't play by the rules." I
said with a sarcastic tone.
Lilly answered my remark by throwing her pokeball. Kirby did the
"Beedrill! Go!" She yelled.
"Voltorb! Go!" He yelled.
A beedrill materialized and began to buzz loudly. The voltorb
"Voltorb!" it said. The thing looked like it was under
a lot of stress. I could tell because I've
always lived near a power plant. Voltorbs are very common around
I had never seen a beedrill before. I pulled out Dexter.
"Beedrill. The poison bee. Flies at high speeds and attacks
using its large venomous stingers on
its forelegs and tail. Beedrill's attacks have little effect on
grass type pokemon." Dexter said.
I pulled out bulbasaur's ball from my belt and threw it.
"Bulbasaur! Go!" I yelled. "Pikachu! Attack the
Pikachu took position in front of the voltorb as bulbasaur
challenged the beedrill. The beedrill
swiped at bulbasaur. Bulbasaur charged the beedrill and hit it
perfectly. The beedrill quickly
"Beedrill! Poison sting attack!" Lilly yelled.
Beedrill charged at bulbasaur and tried to sting bulbasaur with
it's stingers. It had no effect.
Pikachu was having his own problems. The voltorb kept trying to
do a tackle attack but pikachu
kept dodging. I knew pikachu couldn't last much longer. I had to
do something to end this battle
and get rid of team rocket. Then the idea came to me.
"Bulbasaur! Vine whip attack now!" I yelled.
Bulbasaur hit the beedrill dead on with the vine whips. The
beedrill went flying and hit Lilly
square in the stomache.
"Pikachu! Thunder shock! Now!" I yelled.
Pikachu let loose with his thunder shock ability. It didn't do
much damage but I knew that
voltorb had had enough. It began to glow. I quickly called
bulbasaur back to his ball, picked up
pikachu and kicked the voltorb over to team rocket and dived into
a bush. The voltorb did just as
I had planned.
"VOOOOOLTORB!!!!" It said. Then : KABOOOOOM!!!!
It had been under a lot of stress and had self destructed. Team
rocket went flying into the sky.
As they were flying, they cried, "Looks like team rocket's
blasting off again!"
Pikachu and I pulled ourselves out of the bush.
"Something tells me we haven't seen the last of them."
I said.
"Pikachu." Pikachu agreed.
It took us a little over a week but we finally got out of the
forest. We ran up the path to Pewter
city on the evening of the last day of our trek into the forest.
We made it to the pokemon center
just before curfew. I put my pokeballs in the rejuvinator and
went to bed. Again I made a mental
note to call home in the morning.